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Black & Gold TruStone Majestic Full-Size Fountain or Rollerball Pen

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Black & Gold TruStone Majestic Full-Size Fountain or Rollerball Pen


Black & Gold TruStone Majestic Full-Size Fountain or Rollerball Pen

from $240.00

This is a hand made pen that will truly exceed even the most discriminating collector's expectations. The Majestic Pen includes many remarkable features including: A rhodium-plated clip that includes a sparkling Swarovski clear crystal; All exposed accent rings, bands and caps include elegant custom hand-carved 3 dimensional designs; Components are cast, polished then plated with extremely durable 2-micron 22kt gold plate plating; Its regal profile is accented with brilliant rhodium-plating on all components and has a flawless fit and finish; It is made from 85% stone and 15% acrylic with gold veins running through the pen to give it a marbled appearance. The finished project is complimented with superb balance, superior writing characteristics and an overall stylish, polished & elegant appearance.

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